Using Microsoft Asp.Net, we have developed Spread Knowledge which is a one-stop sport betting picks and analytics platform. All members have access to machine-graded picks, validated social tipping, in-game spread value alerts and more.
SpreadKnowledge is a community focused site aimed at delivering the most current and correct sports related information. SpreadKnowledge does not endorse sport wagering and is not responsible for users who choose to use information on this site for activity deemed illegal under certain jurisdiction.
For SpreadKnowledge, we built an engaging front-end SpreadKnowledge responsive web application using HTML5, SCSS, Chart.js, CSS3, Fozzie, Gulp, web form (Aspx), Telerik, JavaScript ES6. We also converted the old UI to a new UI, changed Telerik chart to Chart.js. Also, we used Jira For Project Management.